It’s that time of year to already start thinking about next season. Based on this season’s widespread exasperation, many skiers and riders will be doing their homework to determine which season pass will bring the greatest rewards.
Long lift lines, traffic jams and seasonal thaws inevitably will plague any ski season, but perhaps never to the degree that they did during the 2021-22 campaign. Last spring, of course, Vail Resorts reduced the prices of its popular Epic Passes by 20 percent ($783 vs. $979), creating higher demand. The resort conglomerate claimed it sold 2.1 million Epic Passes prior to this season, leading to overcrowding and complaints at its resorts across the country.
For the 2022-23 season, Vail has announced a slight increase across the board for its popular passes. The unlimited Epic Pass jumped from a cost of $783 last season to $841 this season, while the Epic Local and Northeast Value passes increased from $582 to $626 and $479 to $514, respectively.
The slight price increase may turn off a handful of prospective buyers, but Vail’s Epic is still the most inexpensive multi-pass on the market this season. For $841, Epic Pass users will have unlimited access to 40 resorts including Vail, Beaver Creek, Wildcat, Breckenridge, Keystone, Crested Butte, Park City, Whistler Blackcomb, Attitash, Heavenly, Northstar, Okemo, Kirkwood, Stowe, Stevens Pass, and more. With additional partner resorts like Telluride, the Epic Pass unlocks access to more than 80 resorts. For $626, the Epic Local provides unlimited access to 40 resorts with holiday restrictions at some resorts, including Stowe.