The folks at Tenney Mountain want you to know that there’s a new powder day player in town.
Well, technically, she’s been around for 60 years, so let’s call it a rebirth, shall we?
Consider the situation: It’s one of those days, the sort historically bereft of friends, and you’re trying to figure out where to best get the goods. If you live in the Boston area, and aren’t married to Epic or in a relationship with Ikon, there are a few options.
Cannon Mountain, for instance, would provide the perfect big-mountain experience with a fresh foot of snow. But the Franconia Notch, N.H., ski area also is some 2½ hours away from the city. Cutting down on distance, Wachusett Mountain provides a much closer option, only an hour away, but what it delivers in time management it might lack in the sort of steepness desired when looking to get lost in powder.