Despite how industry marketing paints the picture, I’m here to tell you that skiing and snowboarding is not all smiles and leisure. (And in case you were wondering, it isn’t always bluebird and powder days, either.)
No, sometimes mornings are peppered with little challenges, like a missing left glove after schlepping 20 minutes from Lot E to the base area. Sometimes afternoons go sideways when you discover your RFID pass flew out of your pocket somewhere and now you’re causing a backup in the lift line. And the soreness you feel at the end of the day, after skiing all those bumps, really bogs you down the following morning when you can barely move without making agonizing noises.
On the bright side, you’re the lucky one compared to the guy returning from the emergency room on crutches and in an air cast.
Time to do it all over again. But don’t reach for the Motrin. Try a yoga mat instead.