Cannon Mountain could be seeing an upgrade to its famed tramway in the near future.
According to the Union Leader, officials at New Hampshire’s Franconia State Park have expressed concern about the longevity of the popular tram. The time appears to be right to seek federal funding, particularly with states receiving more than $195 billion in additional money from the American Rescue Plan, the COVID-19 aid package signed by President Joe Biden in March.
Cannon Mountain general manager John Devivo told the Union Leader that rehabilitation of the tram could cost an estimated $10 million to $15 million. Rehab would include replacing the tram cars, the hanger arms, carriage trolleys, electromechanical components, and the motor and braking system. Replacement would run anywhere from $20-$30 million.
According to the Union Leader, an upgrade would give the tram another 20 years of operation at the state-run ski area. A new tramway would last between 40-50 years. The tramway could even also be replaced by gondolas, according to the Conway Daily Sun.