Quick, name two activities that define New England, and the robust Yankee ideal of harnessing the power of nature. There’s no right answer, of course. But if I had my choice, I’d pick sailing and skiing. Which is why Capt. Barry King of Appleton, Maine, to my mind, has the best two jobs in the world.
During the warmer months, the 56-year-old King can be found at the wheel of his 90-foot schooner, Mary Day, plying the waters off coastal Maine with his windjamming guests.
“I’ve been sailing all of my life,” he said. “I grew up for the first 15 years of my life in Marblehead, Mass., where boats were plentiful. Fished for lobsters as a kid. Forced family sailing vacations. Some racing, yachts mostly.
“My father was a yacht captain, and I helped him with deliveries near and far,” said King. “It’s about the only thing I have a feel for.”