Snowmaking tests certainly are nice, but firing them up with the intention of opening when conditions permit is even better.
Sunday morning, Sunday River fired up the system in advance of the 2024-25 season on Jordan Bowl and Locke Mountain with nearly 200 snow guns coating seven trails, including T2, Upper Sunday Punch, Rogue Angel, Lollapalooza and the Jordan basin, the mountain said in a release.
After laying nearly 2 miles of pipe last summer that tripled the water capacity in Jordan Bowl, this summer Sunday River added 160 high-efficiency and automated snow guns from HKD on key trails. The resort has added more than 550 new snow guns in the past three years.
When running full throttle, Sunday River can pump 11,500 gallons of water per minute. That capacity would fill Gillette Stadium in a little more than two days, Fenway Park in less than 17 hours, an Olympic-sized pool in under an hour or a standard bathtub in less than half a second.