I’ve written many a ski boot story over the years, covering anything and everything about boot technology, comfort (or lack thereof) and performance.
I’ve talked about shells (lower and cuff), liners, insoles, buckles, straps, seals, alignments, flex, walkmodes, locked modes.
I’ve discussed racing models — both alpine and randonee — and every market niche existing in between, including the immensely popular AT boot that most folks truly use only in ‘A’ mode, and will only flick into ‘T’ mode when walking to the bars. Telemark boots? Yep, done those, too.
So unless you’re committing the cardinal sin of buying your ski boots online, and assuming you’ve bought a new pair of boots in the past decade or so, then you know how easy it is to find a greatfitting, great-performing ski boot these days. If you’re in pain, it is you and only you who deserves the blame.