It is the time of the year when green replaces white as the dominant color in the mountains. The lifts have long since stopped – except for you, Superstar – and big-ticket projects for next winter — like the Barker Mountain six-pack at Sunday River, Loon’s South Peak expansion and Attitash’s summit quad — are well underway and building excitement for the 2023-24 ski season.
Ski areas have taken the past few weeks to melt out and get ready for their summer offerings. For many, Memorial Day weekend marks the start of at least opening for weekends.
So even though our primary reasons for heading to our favorite mountains might be on hold until the snow flies once again, it doesn’t mean we need to be apart all that time.
“When it comes to resorts, I think we’re seeing a trend of increasing summer operations, and that certainly appears to be becoming a larger part of the bottom line,” Ski Vermont’s Bryan Rivard said. “As a ski destination, if you’ve already built a strong relationship with your visitors, it just makes sense to continue that into other seasons — especially if there’s already infrastructure for it.”